This guide is specificly for the Epson SureColor P9000, but for almost all printers in the AT2D Lab, the three parameters that you must set for successful printing is paper/media size, paper/media type, and scaling. These settings are in similar, but different places depending on what app you use to print your file.
Hit PRINT to open the main printer dialog box.
To set the Paper/Media size, click the Page Setup… button
click on the dropdown icon next to Paper Size
A list of preset sizes will pop up, you will most likely need to create a custom size, to do so, click the Manage Custom Sizes… option
Select an existing custom size, or click the + button to create a new one.
Enter the paper size. Note, this is the dimensions of the paper you are printing on, not the dimensions of the file to be printed. For roll media, that means the width of the roll for the Width:, and the height can be the height of the file to be printed plus a couple inches for the cut. Note: There are times when it’s appropriate to enter the dimensions of the file to be printed rather than the dimensions of the paper as stated above. If your file isn’t already sized to the dimensions you would like it to print at, you can set the Width and Height to the desired print dimensions and set the scaling to “Fit” on the main printer dialog box.
Click OK on the Manage Custom Size box, and OK again on the Page Setup box to get back to the main print dialog box. Note: The preview should now look correct showing the correct media dimensions with no cropping of the image.
To set the Media Type, click the Printer… button.
With the Printer… settings box open, click the arrow to open the Printer Options section.
Under the Printer Options, you will find an option for Printer Settings, click to open that dialog box.
With the Printer Settings box open, you will first open Page Setup to set the media type.
Select the type of paper in loaded in the printer, roll or cut sheet.
Under Media Type, select the same paper setting that you used when loading the paper. If you are not sure what setting is currently in the printer, look on the control panel screen.
Click the OK button, and then Print button on the main Printer Settings box to go back to the main Print Dialog Box. Note, here you should check the scaling setting to make sure it’s set to “Do Not Scale” or “100%” so that the image will print at the correct size. Note: If you are printing the file at a different dimension than it is saved at and are using the custom media size to scale it down/up as outlined in step 6 above, you should use “Fit” at this point.
For printing from Adobe Illustrator, the process will be the same as outlined above, it will just look a bit different. The Page Settings and Printer buttons are in the same place, and Scaling is on the right side of the dialog box.